Friday, March 25, 2011

Typical Island Day

Hello!  Welcome to SHIbuckeye! 

I was in a dilemma!  I was running out of synonyms and adjectives and in a quandary about how to best describe our new home. I was wearing out words like "beautiful, lovely, breathtaking and wonderful."  It's true, it is all of these, but the words were getting tired from overuse.  I took the easy way out and Googled!  I found words I hadn't thought to use, like resplendent, splendiferous and my personal favorite .... Eden.  Eden is defined as an adjective for a beautiful, peaceful place.  It is that!  That pretty much says it all.  At the moment, it is a riot of blooming azaleas, camellias and wisteria intertwined with silvery puffs of Spanish moss.  Can you see it?  I hope so!  

Live Oak Tree and Camellias at Penn Center
  Yesterday was an extra special day in this peaceful, beautiful place.  I was invited to attend a biological film of Zora Neale Hurston at Penn Center.  For those of you who are new to the blog, Penn Center is a beautiful wait...I'll change that to resplendent, 50 acre historical area on St. Helena.  
Here is the link if you want to go exploring.  The film showing was sponsored by South Carolina State University.  Kristy Anderson, the film maker, was present along with three other panelists from Charleston College and South Carolina State University.   Ms. Hurston is described in their program as "flamboyant, gregarious, unpredictable, outrageous and bodacious."  She was also a brilliant writer.  She wrote several short stories and novels and was a woman who lived beyond her time.  Today she is recognized as one of the most significant African-American writers. I haven't read any of her work but I will visit one of our book stores soon. 

Wisteria hanging from a tree in our yard

Afterwards, I was pleased to be included in a gathering of longtime friends.   Most of the ladies live on St. Helena and those that don't,  live nearby on other Sea Islands.  What an enjoyable afternoon!  The love these women have for each other was obvious.  The conversation was stimulating and intelligent.  There was a variety of occupations represented from journalist to social worker.  Most of them are writers and/or poets.  All of them are creative and educated women...and do they ever know how to cook!  Confetti potato salad with shrimp, Creole meatballs with rice, and a salad as colorful as it was delicious, were only a few of the yummy dishes.  The hostesss'  lovely mother brought homemade cupcakes.  Homemade from scratch.  A variety of lemon, coconut and chocolate.  Oh, my!  Our hostess read a poem she had written to the birthday girl.  It was...and here I go again lacking a descriptive word big I'll use my old standby of  "beautifully" written and read.  I came home intellectually stimulated, satiated and feeling accepted and well hugged.

While I was gone, Jerry enjoyed a visit from Ohio neighbors. They are visiting their daughter in the Bluffton area and drove over to say hello.  I was sorry I missed them but hope to see them the next time they're in the area.  It's really surprising to me how many Ohio people have either moved here or vacation in the Hilton Head or Beaufort areas.  The local joke here is the last person to leave Ohio for South Carolina is supposed to turn the light out. 

Spanish Moss in the Dogwood tree in the yard

At the bottom of this page, below the playlist, is a place where you can leave comments.  Any suggestions, criticisms and notes are welcome.  If you don't want anyone else to read your comments, let me know and I will be the only one that sees them.  Maybe you shouldn't encourage me...I am liking writing this WAY too much!

Thank you for reading SHIbuckeye and visiting with me.  A special thank you to followers and subscribers.  Hurry back and wherever you are...enjoy!!

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Break!

Hello!  Welcome to SHIbuckeye! 

It has been a beautiful week so far on St. Helena Island with temperatures in the high 70's and a record breaking 88 yesterday.  Mother Nature couldn't have been more cooperative for our spring break guests to enjoy the beach. 

Toes in the Sand

Granddaughter #2 and friends left today after being here a few days.   With Paris Island Marine Base across the bay, it isn't surprising that the Marines landed at Little Beach House a couple of times! 

Beach Walkers

We enjoyed being uninvited guests at a lovely wedding and the girls and I decided it was perfect.  It was a beautiful spring day and the ceremony took place on the beach under the watchful eye of the lighthouse.  There were more people in the wedding party than guests, which made us think the whole family had a part to play in the vows being spoken.  The bride was beautiful.  The reception was in the shelter by the lighthouse and if I know our Island, there was enough food to feed everyone in Beaufort County.  Small, intimate, beautiful and meaningful; what more could a bride want? 

New Beginnings under the watch of the 1859 Lighthouse.

A day on the beach wouldn't be complete without someone feeding the seagulls.  Below a little girl is delighted with the birds flying down and taking food from her hands. 

Hungry Seagulls

Sandcastles are a sure sign spring has arrived and tourists are beginning to return.

 Soon, we'll need the island's two traffic lights!  Restaurants will be full and tee times will have to be made a few days in advance.  Summer will have returned in all its glory and with it...the tourists and summer people.  How well I remember being one of them and enjoying every minute of our beach time.  I wonder if we'll go on vacation now?  I wonder where we'll go?  I wonder why you'd go on vacation when every day is vacation?  Hmmmm....I wonder...but not for long...time to play!

Thanks for reading SHIbuckeye!  I love sharing our part of the world with you.  Until next time, wherever you are...enjoy!


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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Time Out for March Madness

Welcome!  I'm glad you're here!  

Greening of Forsyth Park in Savannah, Ga

Today is all things green day, whether you're Irish or an Irish Wannabe.  Here in our area, the big celebration is 40 miles away in Savannah, Ga.  Savannah's first public celebration was in 1824 and has been growing steadily since.  Savannah claims it is the second largest celebration in the United States attracting over 300,000 people from all over the world.  We didn't go but we're thinking of finding a hotel room next year so we could see it all without the traffic and parking problems.  It sounds like one of those things we should go to at least once.  I saw enough of it on TV this morning to notice units attend from all over the country, including the Budweiser Clydesdales.  It was a sea of green!  Everyone lining the streets was dressed in green...including the downtown fountain.  Since my husband and daughters are of Irish descent, what a great excuse and place it would be for a family party!

Ohio State Buckeyes Kelly Green St. Patrick's Day T-shirt
Go Bucks!
(image snagged from

Along with Spring and St. Patrick's Day...March also brings MADNESS!   So far we've managed to cheer WVU and Butler University, two of our favorite teams, through to the next round of the NCAA tournament.  They both played today so maybe a little "Luck of the Irish" rubbed off on them. 

                                             The  Ohio State Buckeyes

 play tomorrow afternoon and I'm hoping they have the same luck.  Maybe  "The wearin' o' the green" would help even if it is a day late. 

Funny how time changes things and yet they stay the same.   Niece Andrea on  made green pancakes for her family this morning.  It seems like yesterday I was doing that!  The girls and I always looked forward to those yucky green things on St. Patrick's Day.  If we didn't have time for them in the was green eggs and pancakes for dinner!  Now that we're watching calories and cholesterol, it's green oats or nothing!

Happy anniversary to our favorite sister and brother-in-law!  Forty four years ago today, daughter #1 and I were wearin' the green as their matron of honor and flower girl.  Wow!  Congratulations you two...what a great job!  We love you!  Congratulations also to their son, daughter-in-law and grandsons for raising them right. 

Sharing my favorite Irish blessing.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Happy St. Patrick's Day y'all!  Thanks for reading Shibuckeye...hurry back! 

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Learning with Friends

Hi!  I'm glad you're here! 

 Since I last wrote, our Steelers lost the Super Bowl, we have been to Ohio to give support to my hospitalized mother and enjoyed showing northern friends our new home.  Mom is out of the hospital and doing well.  The guest room is empty again and little beach house is quiet.  Spring is breathtaking and unfolding daily on the island.  

Camellia bush in our front yard.

 Our friend from Beckley, WV had the bad luck to visit during an entire week of rain.  We couldn't even see the ocean from the beach!  She was due some R & R and it was a perfect week for it.  We spent a lot of time working puzzles, reading and sightseeing from the car.  We discovered some beautiful photogenic places and had fun with our cameras.  We frequented too many good restaurants, and got caught up on girl talk, saving some for the next time.  Of course, we had time for a little shopping and did, in fact, spend the nicest day of her visit at the outlet.  The rain didn't stop our fun and I can't wait until she comes back so we can play in the sunshine. 

The Atlantic is out there!

We traveled with more friends on the return trip from Ohio and spent last week doing what we love best.  Playing!  My friend Carolyn and I had a great beach day while the guys golfed.   Lunch outdoors on the Waterfront at "Luther's", a sight seeing trip to Hilton Head, shopping at Tanger Outlet, fishing and golfing took up most of our time.  There was a LOT of eating and there was a LOT of time spent on the golf courses.  Although I'm not golfing at the present time, my camera and I enjoyed a beautiful day driving the cart.  Some of our images are below. 

An angel tree at Sanctuary Golf Course on Cat Island. 

The picture above is a Live Oak tree that has spread its huge branches to the ground, rooted and rose again.  They are called Angel Trees when that happens.  Some of the Live Oaks here are three hundred years old.  I've been told they got their name because the leaves are always green.  New leaves appear in the Spring. 

A couple of big guys enjoying the sun. 

These big guys are pretty much daring anyone to hit a ball their way!  This photo was taken with the zoom lens.  Who am I to interrupt their naps?

A visit to Hilton Head

Another Hilton Head photo op

What can I say about Hilton Head?  It is beautiful!  If you've never been there, you should go.  Our visiting friends always enjoy going over for a day.  It's a world planned to be opulent with its many golf courses, tennis courts and residential plantations. In 1950, it was inhabited by about 300 Gullah residents only.  A group of Georgians bought 19,000 of the island's 25,000 acres with the intention of developing it as a resort area.  Electricity came to Hilton Head in 1951 and the first phone in 1960.  Bridges replaced ferries and rapid growth began in the 1970's.  Stores and malls are built away from the 4 lane boulevards behind trees and shrubs.  I don't think there are neon signs on the island.  Live oak trees have been preserved and flowers and flowering shrubs are planted in abundance.  It is truly eye candy.

View from the top of the lighthouse

Hilton Head is in Southern Beaufort County and Beaufort is in the Northern end.  The difference between the two towns is much greater than the 30 miles that separates them.  Beaufort is filled with antebellum mansions and history.  She has a quaint charm as well as breathtaking beauty and is celebrating her 300th birthday this year.  That's comforting.  I find it extremely discombobulating to realize I'm older than Hilton Head! 

One of Beaufort's Beautiful Homes

Our sea island of Saint Helena is different yet.  It's country living by the sea.  Have I already told you we have wild pigs here? 

Coffin Point Road on St. Helena Island
  As I write this with the window open behind me, the smell of the marsh mixed with pine drifts in.  A year ago, I noticed it and wondered what it was.  It wasn't unpleasant, just different.  Tonight I realize it's one more thing I have grown to love about the area.

Sunset on the Marsh

It's always a pleasure showing friends our part of the world.  Each time, I discover something new as well.  Thank you for reading SHIbuckeye.  When you're here, the distance between us diminishes. 

Have a good week and wherever you are....enjoy!!  Think Spring!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fun with Black and White

Hi!  Welcome to SHIbuckeye! 

We just returned home from a four day mini vacation in the motor home at Hunting Island State Park.  It was  fun and only ten minutes from home!  There is no television or Internet access which allows ample time for beach walking, shelling  and taking photos.  The sunny days were beautiful , with the exception of one angry storm, and we found some great shells.  Photo opportunities were endless.  Here is a sample dozen of my eye's view in black and white.  Tip:  Click on the photo to enlarge, then click again for a super close up. 

Beauty in Erosion Devastation

Shells in Palm Tree Roots 

Palmetto Palm Branches

Is Anyone Home?

Surfer Dude


Guarding the Beach Shadows

Foaming at the Mouth

Roots and Suds
Whose House Is This?
Hunting Island Lighthouse


A Peek from the Top

Thanks for stopping by.  Hurry back and wherever you are....enjoy your day!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A week of Finds

Hello!  Welcome to SHIbuckeye. 

Since we live on island time with no schedule, we seldom know what the day will bring.  This week has been one of "finds" and a busy and fun one.  It started Monday by going to a brunch that combined great food and "finding" both new and old friends.   What started out to be a 10:00 a.m. brunch turned in to an all day affair.  I enjoyed it so much...I forgot to get my camera out! 

Found...drift wood.

 Tuesday was a barefoot in the sand, beach treasure kind of day.  These pictures were taken at Hunting Island State Park where there has been quite a bit of erosion.  That's not a good thing...but the driftwood makes some interesting photos. 

Found...beach foam.

Beach foam, also called ocean foam and sea foam, is caused by the combination of  salt, impurities in the ocean and ocean turbulence.  Pretty!

Found...tidal lagoon reflections 

This tidal lagoon is a great fishing spot adjacent to the beach.  Although it's salt water, and alligators are fresh water creatures, I still kept my eyes wide open.  I've yet to meet one of those guys face to face...and that's okay with me.

Found...Eddings Point landing

The ten minute drive home from the beach turned into a little mini adventure.  We found this deep water landing and seafood company and discovered Delamo, a deep water community we didn't know existed.  It should be called Delightful Delamo.  It's a small community with beautiful cottages, great walking and biking roads.  We pulled in the driveway of one with a "For Sale" sign and gorgeous view.   I looked it up on the Internet when we got home.  I think we'll buy it...and another just like it for guests.  With a price tag of 750,000 sounds like a bargain to me!  

Found...great old louver doors

 Wednesday brought more sunshine and another play day.  We put Grace in the car and went in search of thrift and consignment shops.  What fun!  They're everywhere here!  We found a set of old louver doors which we turned into shelves and a butcher block utility table perfect for my baking needs.  Thursday and Friday were spent catching up on errands, building and painting the shelves.  We're some of the local home stores favorite people. 

Found...eye candy!

Today, Saturday, our Buckeye flag is flying and the "whirly" is out.  Now that Ohio State is the #1 team in the nation, we get to watch the game at home.  Go Bucks!!  It is a sunny but brisk 47 in our part of the low country with tomorrow's forecast calling for a temperature back up in the 50's.   Old man winter needs to lighten up!  The fans who will be in the stands at tomorrow's Steeler's game are a hardy bunch.   We'll be watching...after we spend some time with our toes in the sand.  Go Steelers!!

Thanks for stopping by SHIbuckeye.  I hope your week has been full and happy.  Wherever you are...enjoy! 


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