Monday, February 28, 2011

Learning with Friends

Hi!  I'm glad you're here! 

 Since I last wrote, our Steelers lost the Super Bowl, we have been to Ohio to give support to my hospitalized mother and enjoyed showing northern friends our new home.  Mom is out of the hospital and doing well.  The guest room is empty again and little beach house is quiet.  Spring is breathtaking and unfolding daily on the island.  

Camellia bush in our front yard.

 Our friend from Beckley, WV had the bad luck to visit during an entire week of rain.  We couldn't even see the ocean from the beach!  She was due some R & R and it was a perfect week for it.  We spent a lot of time working puzzles, reading and sightseeing from the car.  We discovered some beautiful photogenic places and had fun with our cameras.  We frequented too many good restaurants, and got caught up on girl talk, saving some for the next time.  Of course, we had time for a little shopping and did, in fact, spend the nicest day of her visit at the outlet.  The rain didn't stop our fun and I can't wait until she comes back so we can play in the sunshine. 

The Atlantic is out there!

We traveled with more friends on the return trip from Ohio and spent last week doing what we love best.  Playing!  My friend Carolyn and I had a great beach day while the guys golfed.   Lunch outdoors on the Waterfront at "Luther's", a sight seeing trip to Hilton Head, shopping at Tanger Outlet, fishing and golfing took up most of our time.  There was a LOT of eating and there was a LOT of time spent on the golf courses.  Although I'm not golfing at the present time, my camera and I enjoyed a beautiful day driving the cart.  Some of our images are below. 

An angel tree at Sanctuary Golf Course on Cat Island. 

The picture above is a Live Oak tree that has spread its huge branches to the ground, rooted and rose again.  They are called Angel Trees when that happens.  Some of the Live Oaks here are three hundred years old.  I've been told they got their name because the leaves are always green.  New leaves appear in the Spring. 

A couple of big guys enjoying the sun. 

These big guys are pretty much daring anyone to hit a ball their way!  This photo was taken with the zoom lens.  Who am I to interrupt their naps?

A visit to Hilton Head

Another Hilton Head photo op

What can I say about Hilton Head?  It is beautiful!  If you've never been there, you should go.  Our visiting friends always enjoy going over for a day.  It's a world planned to be opulent with its many golf courses, tennis courts and residential plantations. In 1950, it was inhabited by about 300 Gullah residents only.  A group of Georgians bought 19,000 of the island's 25,000 acres with the intention of developing it as a resort area.  Electricity came to Hilton Head in 1951 and the first phone in 1960.  Bridges replaced ferries and rapid growth began in the 1970's.  Stores and malls are built away from the 4 lane boulevards behind trees and shrubs.  I don't think there are neon signs on the island.  Live oak trees have been preserved and flowers and flowering shrubs are planted in abundance.  It is truly eye candy.

View from the top of the lighthouse

Hilton Head is in Southern Beaufort County and Beaufort is in the Northern end.  The difference between the two towns is much greater than the 30 miles that separates them.  Beaufort is filled with antebellum mansions and history.  She has a quaint charm as well as breathtaking beauty and is celebrating her 300th birthday this year.  That's comforting.  I find it extremely discombobulating to realize I'm older than Hilton Head! 

One of Beaufort's Beautiful Homes

Our sea island of Saint Helena is different yet.  It's country living by the sea.  Have I already told you we have wild pigs here? 

Coffin Point Road on St. Helena Island
  As I write this with the window open behind me, the smell of the marsh mixed with pine drifts in.  A year ago, I noticed it and wondered what it was.  It wasn't unpleasant, just different.  Tonight I realize it's one more thing I have grown to love about the area.

Sunset on the Marsh

It's always a pleasure showing friends our part of the world.  Each time, I discover something new as well.  Thank you for reading SHIbuckeye.  When you're here, the distance between us diminishes. 

Have a good week and wherever you are....enjoy!!  Think Spring!

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