Thursday, March 17, 2011

Time Out for March Madness

Welcome!  I'm glad you're here!  

Greening of Forsyth Park in Savannah, Ga

Today is all things green day, whether you're Irish or an Irish Wannabe.  Here in our area, the big celebration is 40 miles away in Savannah, Ga.  Savannah's first public celebration was in 1824 and has been growing steadily since.  Savannah claims it is the second largest celebration in the United States attracting over 300,000 people from all over the world.  We didn't go but we're thinking of finding a hotel room next year so we could see it all without the traffic and parking problems.  It sounds like one of those things we should go to at least once.  I saw enough of it on TV this morning to notice units attend from all over the country, including the Budweiser Clydesdales.  It was a sea of green!  Everyone lining the streets was dressed in green...including the downtown fountain.  Since my husband and daughters are of Irish descent, what a great excuse and place it would be for a family party!

Ohio State Buckeyes Kelly Green St. Patrick's Day T-shirt
Go Bucks!
(image snagged from

Along with Spring and St. Patrick's Day...March also brings MADNESS!   So far we've managed to cheer WVU and Butler University, two of our favorite teams, through to the next round of the NCAA tournament.  They both played today so maybe a little "Luck of the Irish" rubbed off on them. 

                                             The  Ohio State Buckeyes

 play tomorrow afternoon and I'm hoping they have the same luck.  Maybe  "The wearin' o' the green" would help even if it is a day late. 

Funny how time changes things and yet they stay the same.   Niece Andrea on  made green pancakes for her family this morning.  It seems like yesterday I was doing that!  The girls and I always looked forward to those yucky green things on St. Patrick's Day.  If we didn't have time for them in the was green eggs and pancakes for dinner!  Now that we're watching calories and cholesterol, it's green oats or nothing!

Happy anniversary to our favorite sister and brother-in-law!  Forty four years ago today, daughter #1 and I were wearin' the green as their matron of honor and flower girl.  Wow!  Congratulations you two...what a great job!  We love you!  Congratulations also to their son, daughter-in-law and grandsons for raising them right. 

Sharing my favorite Irish blessing.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Happy St. Patrick's Day y'all!  Thanks for reading Shibuckeye...hurry back! 

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