Monday, December 6, 2010

A Dog Gone Day

HI!  Welcome to SHIbuckeye.

I am SO glad we moved south to keep warm!  The freezing of body parts has begun.  Toes and nose most especially.  It is NOT supposed to happen here.  But it is.  It's 37 at the moment.  The high was around 47 today.  I guess I have gotten used to being warm because 37 in Ohio felt like a Spring day!  They tell me it's unseasonably cold.  I heard the same thing in the summer, only then, it was unseasonably hot.  I choose hot!  We had 4 different companies here today giving us estimates on picket fence to contain Grace and our two Grand dogs when they visit.  One of the dogs is the famous Mulligan.  Darling little guy.  Trying to figure out where to put the fence so he can't eat the outdoor furniture cushions is a challenge.  If they don't satisfy him, he will probably eat the fence, so maybe to keep him from getting indigestion, we should forget the whole thing.  This is the dog that ate the fourth roll of toilet tissue during the cottage remodel before Jers came unglued.  I was in Ohio and missed the fun but I was told it was an eye-watering, knee slapping, bend over and laugh until you can't breathe moment.  That was before Mulligan ate the blinds in the living room and two bedrooms.  Oh, did I mention the couch?  The poor little guy has issues.  He needs someone to "whisper" to him, desperately!  Grace, being the angel she is, is horrified by his behavior.  I casually mentioned the other day it won't be long until he will be here and she'll have a playmate.  She looked at me in terror and ran to cower in her bed.  She's still there!  Anyway, I digress.  It was during this running in and out that I got chilled.  I finally got warm and we went to dinner.  The big chill is on again.

Today was one of those days where nothing was accomplished..  The tree is up, naked, with the exception of a few lights and an angel on top.  The outdoor lights are waiting for a warmer day to be put on the bushes and trees.  Flour,sugar,butter, brown sugar and other goodies are on the counter with expectations of their separate parts being mixed into cookies sometime soon.

SHIbuckey just decided to publish its self before I had edited.

Yep, one of those dog gone days.

Thanks for stopping by!  I'll see you soon. Until then, enjoy!


  1. Oh dear... this doesn't say much for my parenting ability, does it? Bad dog! Bad dog! Last night he put a hole in the BRAND NEW yellow blankie we bought... I yelled at him and started chasing him through the house, as he was hauling tail (literally... heehee). Just as he made for the steps down to the basement, I grabbed his tail and jerked him back up stairs (ignoring the "crack" I heard from the poor little tail). I then showed him his horrible hole and scolded him soundly, even threatening him with the folded up paper. The rest of the night, he was an angel that even Grace would envy. : - } Believe me, he is now in training full time.... : - P

  2. Too funny! Get the water bottle out..and use it... consistantly! It's never too late! Where's his "horrible" hole? Not his crate, I hope! When I get the bottle out, I can almost see Grace thinking.."Oh no, not the botle, anything but the bottle!" We only need it now when she gets overly exuberant greeting a visitor. I don't have to use it, she has an attitude adjustment when she sees it.

  3. The water bottle works for ALL things, except chewing... you can add the yellow blanket, the couch toss pillows, the bedroom toss pillow, an under the door wind blocker of Jim's and every dog toy that is stuffed to his casualty list. I am to the point of the newspaper when it comes to chewing!!!! Where is Cesar when we really need him? (and yes, you know we have a fortune in cow bones and many other misc chewing items for his destructive pleasure... still goes for my stuff!!)

  4. Perhaps Mulligan thinks you have too much stuff!

  5. Perhaps.... he is a smart little guy. : - /
